Barricade FR is a fire-retardant flexible building wrap for use as sarking on walls in order to provide vapour permeability to buildings, limit the entry of wind into building cavities and act as a secondary barrier to wind-driven rain. It also gives UV resistance for up to 60 days.
Barricade FR is supplied in rolls with a range of sizes and wrapped in a protective cover. The substrate is white and branded with a Masons’ logo.
Key Benefits
Fire retardant
Suitable for all wall cladding systems
For use on timber or steel framed buildings
The product is manufactured from high-quality synthetic spun-bonded material with high UV qualities and gives up to 60 days UV protection
Small rolls for ease of installation (1.37 x 29.19 m)
Custom branding available - fantastic exposure for your brand
Product <1mm thick.
Scope of Use and Limitations
Barricade FR may be used with all building classifications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), where the primary structure is timber or steel framing. It may be used in conjunction with:
a masonry veneer, or
absorbent and non-absorbent claddings direct fixed to framing or
absorbent and non-absorbent claddings fixed over an 18 mm (minimum) ventilated and drained cavity
Suitable for use in non-cyclonic wind zones up to and including N3 and may be left exposed to UV for up to 60 days.
Barricade FR has a flammability index of less than 5 and therefore an AS/NZS 4200.1 flammability index of Low. However, in bushfire-prone areas, the designer and/or installer must establish compliance with AS 3959.
Barricade FR must be installed, with the printed side out, in accordance with AS 4200.2:2017 - Pliable building membranes and underlays, Part 2: Installation.
Barricade FR shall be fixed at a maximum of 300mm centres using either; large-head clouts 20 mm long; 6-8 mm galvanised staples; self-drilling screws; or, proprietary underlay fixings. The membrane must be pulled taut over the framing before fixing.
Barricade FR must be run horizontally. Horizontal laps must be no less than 75 mm wide, with the direction of the lap ensuring that water is shed to the outer face of the membrane. End laps must be made over framing and be no less than 150 mm wide. Any joint lap less than 150mm shall be taped.
Barricade FR must be restrained from bulging into the drained cavity. Installing Masons WrapStrap - horizontal at 300mm centres - prevents the wrap and insulation from bulging.
When fixing the product in windy conditions, care must be taken due to the large sail area created by wide roll widths.
Any damaged areas of Barricade FR, such as tears, holes or gaps around service penetrations, must be repaired. Damaged areas can be repaired by covering with new material lapping the damaged area by at least 150 mm and taping, or by taping small tears with Masons 40 Below™ Flashing Tape.
Barricade FR flexible building wrap is for use as sarking on walls in order to provide vapour permeability to buildings, limit the entry of wind into building cavities and act as a secondary barrier to wind-driven rain.
The wraps are categorized in accordance with AS/NZS 4200.1 as follows:
Light wall duty – Barricade FR (100gsm), Value (125gsm), UNI (180gsm)
Emittance – Infra-red non reflective
Water barrier
Vapour permeability – Class 4 vapour permeable
Low flammability
They have also been tested to NZS 2295 and demonstrate that they are:
Absorbent, and
An Air Barrier
Browse downloadable product files.
1.37 × 18.45 = 25㎡
1.5 × 30 = 45㎡
1.37 × 29.19 = 40㎡
1.37x58.38 =80㎡
2.74×29.19 = 80
2.74×36.5 = 100
0.6 m × 36.5 m
1.37×73 = 100㎡
Custom Branded Wrap
Barricade FR is available to be custom branded with your choice of logo. A perfect way to give your company brand exposure!
Custom Branded BFR is available by the pallet.
Please talk to your Masons Account Manager for more information, including rolls to a pallet and minimum order quantities.
Max number of colours: 2
Lead time: 3-16 weeks
Available in a variety of roll sizes, including small 1.37 x 29.9m rolls for ease of installation
Frequently asked questions for BFR
Does Barricade FR meet Building Code requirements?
Yes, Barricade FR meets and/or exceeds requirements and is supported with a Product Assurance Supplier Statement (PASS) providing the highest available quality assurance standards.
Can Barricade FR be used with all cladding types?
Barricade FR is suitable for direct fix and cavity based systems with both absorbent (eg timber/fibre cement) and non absorbent cladding (eg sheet metal, synthetic)
Is Barricade FR fire retardant?
Yes, it is fire retardant.
Can Barricade FR be used on unlined gable ends?
Yes, Barricade FR is compliant for use with unlined gable ends.
Can Barricade FR have cladding fixed directly - ie without a cavity?
Yes, Barricade FR is suitable with direct fix systems, both non-absorbent claddings like sheet metal and absorbent claddings such as timber.
How long can I leave Barricade FR exposed without a cladding in place?
Barricade FR can be left exposed to the elements for up to 60 days while still providing temporary weather protection to frames.
Can I have my companys logo printed on Barricade FR?
Yes, contact your local Masons Account Manager to discuss, (minimum order quantities apply).